Thursday, September 19, 2013

MassWhole HefeWeizen

Wormtown Brewery - MassWhole HefeWeizen
By Eric Cioffi

The days are getting shorter, football season has started, the kids are back to school, and summer is just about over. With all the end of summer gatherings, the tempestuous change in routines, and crazy work schedules, it has been a busy time over here at Hoppy Daze and I am finally getting caught up.  This review is of a delightful wheat beer from Worcester’s Wormtown Brewing and finishes off my assortment of wheat beers.

The Wormtown Brewery is located in Worcester Massachusetts in the same building as Peppercorns restaurant. Opening to the public in the spring of 2010, Wormtown prides itself on using local ingredients whenever possible and has been delivering a vast array of truly unique craft beers.

The name Wormtown is based on the nickname that was foisted on the city during the late 1970’s when there was a punk rock explosion in the area. The independent Wormtown Punk Press covered the music and art scene and hit a nerve in the city. Those who were entranced with punk picked up on the name Wormtown and adopted it quickly to represent themselves and their emerging culture.

Not everyone identifies with Wormtown. Not everyone is involved with the underground music scene, and not everyone is a fan of punk. But the name has stuck and has been adopted by countless Worcester citizens because it symbolizes and embraces the free spirited do-it-yourself ethic that is simply Worcester. Wormtown Brewery has that same spirit - they are creating something unique to add to the mix in of the city. Will it change Worcester the way music did back in the late '70s? Who knows. But one thing is for sure, there is nothing that goes better with good music than good beer.

MassWhole HefeWeizen
All of the ingredients in every batch of Mass Whole are Massachusetts grown. Brewed with 4 Star (Northfield) Wheat and Magnum hops, and Czajkowski grown (Hadley) Valley Malted barley. Bavarian style unfiltered wheat beer with spicy clove and banana aroma. Pale straw color with cloudiness from wheat protein and yeast. Clove and banana continue into the flavor complimented by sweet wheat malt. Medium light body with a spicy dry finish.

Wormtown's take on the classic German style pours a cloudy pale straw color into a weizen glass from a 22 ounce bottle.  A full fluffy head of white foam lingers and draws silky lacing as the bubbles slowly recede. The aroma is clean and carries hints of citrus, banana, clove and sweet bread.

The first sip reveals a medium body with a high degree of carbonation leading to subtle clove spices with citrus and tropical flavors.  With just a hint of tartness, it is not overwhelmed by the Bavarian yeast.  The beer is crisp and smooth, refreshing and easy to drink. For those who want to give German style wheats a try this is an excellent entry into the style.  It is more like an American wheat, yet this ale presents a complicated flavor profile without being overbearing.  This has become my favorite wheat beer and I highly recommend you grab a bottle if you see one.

Bavarian Wheat | 4.9% ABV
Rating: 93

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